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Chalcopyrite (Acid Treated)

$1.00 - $2.55
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2.30 Ounces
1.50 (in)
1.25 (in)
1.50 (in)
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Physical Characteristics: This Chalcopyrite has been acid treated to bring out the magnificent colors and iridescence, and is often called "Peacock Ore". However, true Peacock Ore is a Sulfide Bornite, and the colors are formed through the process of oxidation. Chalcopyrite is a copper iron sulfide and has a hardness of 3.5 - 4. It is a major copper ore and is quite common.

Metaphysical Properties: Chalcopyrite is often used to find lost items, and sometimes gets "lost" itself in order to gather information. It can connect a person to ancient cultures, anywhere in the universe. It can aid in meditation practices, particularly with emptying the mind. It is an excellent stone for removing blockages from the crown chakra, opening and activating it at the same time.

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