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Charoite, Tumbled

$1.35 - $4.75
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0.50 Ounces
1.25 (in)
1.00 (in)
0.75 (in)
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Physical Characteristics: A purple to lavender rare silicate mineral, often with blackish or whitish swirls and other patterns. Usually in massive or aggregate formations, sometimes with inclusions of quartz. Hardness of 5. Found only in Siberia, Russia.

Metaphysical Properties: Charoite combines the higher spiritual awareness with unconditional love in the physical being.  It connects the crown and heart chakras. It helps with experiencing pure spiritual love, as well as aiding in self-love and acceptance of others. Small tumbled stones are perfect for pocket stones or to include in medicine bags, though they may get scratched if they are softer.

Please Note: The pictures, price, and average weight for that size will change according to the option chosen, but the measurements will not. However, there is a ruler included in each picture to give you an idea of size. Each picture will show 4 views of the same sample pieces. The piece picked for you may or may not be shown in the photo. We will use our intuition and attempt to pick out the perfect stone for you! To assist us with this, please leave us a note letting us know what your intentions are for the stone in the comment section during checkout.