Physical Characteristics: Obsidian is a silica volcanic stone with a hardness of 5 - 6. It resembles glass and occurs in several colors, the most common of which is black. Like glass, it often breaks with sharp edges, and has been used in tool-making for arrowheads, knives, etc. The handle is made of a composite of jade colored particles and resin. We do not know if the handle contains real jade or not. CAUTION: THE EDGES AND POINTS OF THESE ITEMS MAY BE EXTREMELY SHARP!
Metaphysical Properties: Obsidian is excellent for grounding, connecting the root chakra to the heart of the earth. It can protect against negative energies, and is very useful for healing.
Please Note: The photos and the weights will change according to which option is chosen, but the measurements will not change. There is a ruler included in each of the pictures to give an idea of the size.