Obsidian, Mahogany, Skull 1

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3.50 Ounces
2.25 (in)
1.75 (in)
1.50 (in)
Calculated at Checkout

Physical Characteristics: Obsidian is a silica volcanic stone with a hardness of 5 - 6. It resembles glass and occurs in several colors, the most common of which is black. Like glass, it often breaks with sharp edges, and has been used in tool-making for arrowheads, knives, etc.  Mahogany Obsidian has splotches of mahogany brown due to oxidized Magnetite and/or Hematite.

Metaphysical Properties: In addition to the properties of Obsidian, Mahogany Obsidian also can connect the sacral chakra to the solar plexus, allowing the non-emotional evaluation of sexuality. It can also aid in releasing energy blockages.