Physical Characteristics: This Quartz crystal has been treated with copper. We've been told that they place the crystal into a vacuum chamber, heat it up, and then inject vaporized material such as titanium, gold, opal, copper or other materials. The vaporized material molecularly bonds to the Quartz, and therefore cannot be washed or rubbed off.
Metaphysical Properties: This piece has the properties of both Copper and Quartz. Copper can help amplify and transmit thought and healing energies. It activates the base and sacral chakras, and can help balance blood flow within the body. It fights lethargy and/or passivity, and can be very helpful in policy-making situations as it may provide insights to achieve an optimal balance for all concerned. Quartz crystals are an energy amplifier, emitter, and channeler. It can be "programmed" by absorbing the user's intentions, and then re-transmitting and focusing those intentions when needed. It makes a great companion stone, assisting the energies of other stones as well as the people working with it. Clear quartz crystals are translucent to transparent, and often contain "fire" (places where the light is diffracted into rainbow patterns). There are also various formations, each with its own significance.