Physical Characteristics: Box measures 1.5" x 1.5" x 3/4". Realgar is an arsenic sulfide, also known as 'ruby sulphur' or 'ruby of arsenic'. It has a hardness of 1.5 - 2. CAUTION: AVOID HANDLING, WASH HANDS THOROUGHLY. Risk of Arsenic exposure. Found in Australia, Argentina, Albania, Austria, Bolivia, Canada, and the state of Washington in the U.S. This piece is from Gold Bar Mine, Eureka County, Nevada.
Metaphysical Properties: Our reference books did not include this mineral, so this information was gleaned from the internet. Realgar helps with cleansing. It can help reveal hidden thoughts as well as past lives. It helps link the subconscious to the conscious. It aids with healing past memories or traumas, and can help to remove mental blocks.